субота, 27 квітня 2024 р.
четвер, 20 квітня 2023 р.
Цілі сталого розвитку. Сортуй відходи відповідально!
Цілі сталого розвитку. Сортуй відходи відповідально!
The objective of this learning scenario is to introduce students to nature-based solutions (NBS) using the concept of green infrastructure applied to a practical project. To begin with, the teacher introduces NBS and their advantages and discusses them with students, with a view to local problems that arose during the war. The main issue that students will work on in this scenario is the importance of water, taking care of it, the importance of clean air, and greening the environment. After all, during the war, we faced major problems in the environment, namely water and air pollution.
середа, 19 квітня 2023 р.

вівторок, 2 серпня 2022 р.
Our Ukrainian Future Classroom Lab
Our Ukrainian Future Classroom Lab
During the creation of the Ukrainian Future Classroom Lab, as much as I would like to have a classroom with modern mobile furniture (as in the Future Classroom Lab in Brussels), I focused primarily on robotics, VR technologies, and interactive panels with advanced software. This ultimately provided her with good mobility.
середа, 27 квітня 2022 р.
V International Lviv Stem Festival during the war in Ukraine
V International Lviv Stem Festival during the war in Ukraine
Ukraine, Olha Doskochynska
This year, Scientix Ambassador Olha Doskochynska organized the V International Lviv Stem Festival for Ukrainian teachers and students during the war in Ukraine. The purpose of this festival is to promote science, technology, mathematics, and art.
We planned to organize V International Lviv Stem Festival offline and invite colleagues, and Scientix Ambassadors from Slovakia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Albania, and Israel to Lviv for exchange experiences. But now there is a war in Ukraine and we will use an online format for teachers and an offline format for our ukrainian students.
During the online seminar, my colleagues and I talked about the implementation of STEM in our countries and shared our ideas and innovations.
The main part of the festival was a visit to the Museum of Science of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which moved to Lviv from Kyiv.
Since the beginning of the war, we have been organizing offline training for students who have moved from cities where are war.
Students of my school and students who came from the East of Ukraine during the seminar had the opportunity to conduct research, develop critical thinking, cooperate, develop communication skills.
As Scientix Ambassador, my task is to promote STEAM education and share experiences.
Science and education are always relevant. Education is the force that helps us, Ukrainian win everything, especially now that my country, Ukraine, is at war.
In this Museum of Science, students have the opportunity to implement ideas, develop projects, and conduct experiments. Here we visited game and interactive exhibitions, which focus on the promotion of technology, science, and innovation.
Students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the exhibits in the areas of IT, bio- and modern technologies, physics, robotics, electronics, and Smart Cities. The museum has research laboratories for children and young people, where you can create your own experiment under the supervision of specialists, learn about chemical processes, and have an unforgettable time. Physical phenomena await visitors in a separate hall. Here you can understand how gravity works, look at lenses, and learn more about sound propagation. In other halls, you can build roller coasters, explore human anatomy and get acquainted with the great inventions of mankind. For example, make an architectural arch and feel why such structures hold ancient and majestic buildings.
During this week, my students and I also explored the planet Mars. Students created their own models of the rocket, as well as the work of the rover. Students explored whether life on Mars is possible and what people need to live.
вівторок, 13 квітня 2021 р.
Lviv Stem Conference . STEM Discovery Campaign 2021(Lviv, Ukraine)
Lviv Stem Conference . STEM Discovery Campaign 2021(Lviv, Ukraine)

Lviv Stem Conference . STEM Discovery Campaign 2021(Lviv, Ukraine) The IV International Lviv STEM Conference. More than 20 speakers from 6 c...
Our Ukrainian Future Classroom Lab Our Ukrainian Future Classroom Lab ( STEM laboratory) #TheUkrainianFutureClassroomLab, was created i...
Година коду Учні 7-А проявили неабиякий інтерес до "Години коду" (Minecraft )... Молодці!!!! Так продовжувати !!! А ще ...